Thursday, October 31, 2019

Islamic center Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Islamic center - Essay Example It is a ritual in which Muslims, men and women must attend in mosques, since it is not a prayer than can be performed in house, and while Men are obliged to attend as it was made clear in Quran and Prophetical narrations, women are excused from doing so, as the Prophet Muhammad (may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him) explained that when He said (with the meaning): "Jumu`ah is an obligation upon every Muslim which He must perform in congregation, except for four: an owned servant, a woman, a young boy and a (very) sick Man" The time needed for the Jmu`ah prayer changes from one mosque to another, it depends on the important of the subject addressed by the Imam, the man who usually leads the 5 daily prayers in the mosque, He usually choose the topic of it according to what He sees best regarding benefiting the Muslims attending the prayer. Sometimes the Imam addresses a social problem taking place within the Muslim world and communities, in other cases He points and guides toward the right practices, remind people of what is good and forbid them of what is bad, channel their thoughts and help toward other Muslims in need and no matter what is the main topic of the speech, it is all follow the reminder of Allah and His Messenger, by quoting Verses from Quran and Hadith (Narrations) from the words of the Prophet Muhammad and in other cases He mentions certain related opinions or ruling for known knowledgably trusted scholars. One can clearly see the Muslims heading toward nearby mosques before the start of the prayer, some goes there real early as they try to seek more rewards while others try to manage being there before the Imam starts the speech. It doesn’t matter if you are a local in that area or just passing by or even a traveler, when you go inside the mosque you instantly see all sorts of people walking in, placing their

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Be Happier by Consuming Less Essay Example for Free

Be Happier by Consuming Less Essay Consumerist is a social and economic order that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever greater amounts. In the American consumption, people do not know how much is enough, do we really need all we buy? Or we just buy it because everyone else has it? Does it make us any happier? In the article â€Å"The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More That They Need† Juliet Schor shares with us her point of view about American Consumption. In Schor’s article says, â€Å"The average American now finds it harder to achieve a satisfying standard of living than 25 years ago† (411). Also that â€Å"The competitive consumption, the idea that spending is in large part driven by a comparative or competitive process in which individuals try to keep up with the norms of the social group with which they identify as a reference group† (412). Finally she believes that â€Å"Low income children are more likely to be exposed to commercials at school, as well as home† (413). Our personal consumer choices have ecological, social, and spiritual consequences. Much of what we purchase is not essential for our survival or even basic human comfort but is based on impulse, a momentary desire, and there is a hidden price that we, and future generations will pay for it too. The American economy’s ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods, not better health care, education, housing, transportation, but to provide more stuff to consumers. First, in Schor’s article she says, â€Å"The average American now finds it harder to achieve a satisfying standard of living than 25 years ago† (411). Nowadays people have to work longer hours than 25 year ago, to be able to pay all their desires. Having more and newer things each year has become not just something we want but something we need. The idea of more, ever increasing wealth has become the center of our identity, and this looks like an addiction. For example, my aunt Maria works 5 days a week to be able to pay all her bills and sometimes does overtime. She might have a lot of new and cool things, but she doesn’t even have time to enjoy all these things because she has to be working just to pay all she has. My aunt has a salary of $9. 25 per hour and getting a check of $740 biweekly which she have to use to pay her car $200, plus her phone $85, personal stuff $150, and the list keep going. I have worked 40 hours a week, going to classes full-time with little satisfaction. Without working that long, I am less stressed, and I prefer to learn how to spend less money, than spending more, and live stressed all the time. People should take more responsibility for themselves and their families and think outside of the box when it comes to life. Working less hours and buying fewer products is a good way to start. Also, Schor says, â€Å"The competitive consumption, the idea that spending is in large part driven by a comparative or competitive process in which individuals try to keep up with the norms of the social group with which they identify as a reference group† (412). People try to be in the same level that everyone else; if they see that somebody bought something, they will try to have that, just because that person has it. An example is the iPhones people are obsessed with them. The first iPhone was the 3G, then 3GS, 4, 4S, and the 5 that is the last one that just came out. All of these iPhones do almost the same functions; they just changed the size, and some other little things. People spend a lot of money buying the iPhones; the prices are between $300 and $500. The point is that people want to keep up with the newest things, just because other people will have it. For example, my cousin Heysus who is 23 years old, have been buying all the iPhones, because all his friends have them, and whenever came a new iPhone, he ordered it immediately to keep up with what his friends have. Another point is that people with less income, tend to watch more TV, in Schor’s article says, â€Å"Low income children are more likely to be exposed to commercials at school, as well as home† (413). Television and marketing are a big influence of how people spend their money. We watched an example of it in the movie of Super-Size Me, of how the companies spend a lot of their money on marketing, because they know that people is going to buy their products. We need to make people conscious about the problem that we all have as a society. Without our consumer impulse to buy the newest, coolest things on the market, there would be no market. People should think more about what they buy, and should not do unnecessary purchases I think that some people keep worrying more about what they can buy, and how they can have better and newest things instead of be worrying about how they can live happier, and less stressed. An individual does not necessarily have to live as a rich person to be happy. The thought of shorter hours working is a wealth of opportunity and adventure that no Disneyland or Las Vegas vacation can offer. It is actually stress-free and can help us to have time to more valuable parts of our life, like having more time to spend with our family and friends. Finally, as a student that works and studies at the same time, I have to be a smart consumer. I ask myself what I need and what I really don’t. Why do I need a car? Is it necessary to have a laptop when we have a library full of computers? We all need to learn that how to spend our money in a better way, and know that we do not need to have the newest and coolest things that the market offer us to be happy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hepatitis B infection: An overview

Hepatitis B infection: An overview HEPATITIS B What is hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. Chronic hepatitis B is a long-term infection of the liver that can sometimes develop after a bout of acute or short term, hepatitis B. How does a person get hepatitis B? The virus that causes hepatitis B is spread through contact with infected blood or other body fluids of people who have hepatitis B. For example, you can get hepatitis B by having unprotected sex with an infected person. People who use intravenous drugs can get hepatitis B when they share needles with someone who has the virus. Health care workers, such as nurses, lab technicians and doctors, can get these infections if they are accidentally stuck with a needle that was used on an infected patient. Pregnant women who are infected with hepatitis B can also pass the virus on to their babies. Hepatitis B cannot be transmitted through casual contact. For example, you cannot get hepatitis B by hugging or shaking hands with someone who is infected. How long does it take chronic hepatitis to develop after acute hepatitis B? The time between the acute illness and signs of chronic hepatitis B varies. It may take a short time, or it may be years after the acute infection before chronic hepatitis B develops. How is hepatitis B diagnosed? Blood tests are used to diagnose hepatitis B. Blood tests can tell your doctor whether your liver is working properly, and they can also be used to follow your condition during treatment. Your doctor may want to look at your liver with an ultrasound exam or x-rays. A liver biopsy may also be needed. With a liver biopsy, a small piece of the liver is removed through a needle and looked at under a microscope. A liver biopsy can help your doctor diagnose your illness and see the condition of your liver directly. What are the symptoms of hepatitis B? The symptoms of hepatitis B are: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice (the skin turns yellow), weakness, fatigue, or brown urine (may look like tea), Symptoms of hepatitis B can range from mild to severe. If you have a mild case of hepatitis, you may not even realize that you have it. It may not cause symptoms or may only cause symptoms similar to the stomach flu. What are the complications of chronic hepatitis B? People with chronic hepatitis B may not have any symptoms at all. In some people, chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis occurs when the liver cells die and are replaced by scar tissue and fat. The damaged areas of the liver stop working and cant cleanse the body of wastes. The early stages of cirrhosis may not have symptoms, but the following symptoms may arise as cirrhosis gets worse and more of the liver is damaged: weight loss, fatigue, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite, Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure and even liver cancer. If you have hepatitis B, you are also susceptible to hepatitis D (also called Delta agent). Hepatitis D can only develop in people who already have hepatitis B. It can make your symptoms of hepatitis B or liver disease worse. It is spread through contact with infected blood or other body fluids of people who have hepatitis D. How is chronic hepatitis B treated? If you have chronic hepatitis B, your family physician will probably refer you to a gastroenterologist or other subspecialist that treats people with chronic liver problems. There are a number of medical treatments available that are often successful. These include Interferon alfa-2b and other antiviral medicines. Treatment may take a year or more, depending on the severity of the infection and the response to treatment. Can hepatitis B be prevented? The best way to prevent hepatitis B is to have protected sex (use a condom) and to avoid sharing needles. A vaccine is available to prevent hepatitis B. It is now routinely given in the first year of life to all newborn infants. It is safe and requires 3 shots over a 6-month period. This vaccine should be given to people who are at high risk for this illness, such as health care workers, all children, drug users, people who get tattoos or body piercing, and those with multiple sex partners. (Hepatitis B, 2007a) (Hepatitis B, 2007b) (Viral hepatitis B, 2007) References Hepatitis B. (2007). Retrieved December 30, 2007, from eMedicine Health website: Hepatitis B. (2007). Retrieved December 30, 2007, from World Health Organization website: Viral hepatitis B. (2007). Retrieved December 30, 2007, from CDC website:

Friday, October 25, 2019

Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi Robert Mondavi Seeing that I have already made millions upon millions in my moderately successful modeling career, I have decided to turn my attention to investing my money in stock, in particular, Robert Mondavi. 1998 was a hard year for Mondavi, an unforeseen shortage of their most popular wine (Woodbridge Chardonnay- 55% of their revenues) and stiff competition from several new imported brands forced net income down almost $8,000, and cut their earnings per share by 78%. For 1999, Mondavi was forced to take several actions to achieve their objectives. This included redoubling focus on the two largest-volume brands, appointing their Chief Financial Officer to Chief Operating Officer, doubling media expenditures to $7.3 million, taking a $6 million charge to write-off excess inventory and streamline their workforce, creating Brand Teams to improve accountability and planning, and adopt FIFO method of inventory accounting to improve predictability earnings and improve the measurement of inventory value. Mondavi has apparently shown great results from the restructuring, the concentration on the two largest-volume brands have accounted for 20% of the growth of all U.S. varietal wines. They reported record gains in their first quarter report of 2000. The bottom line of the annual report for 1999 shows a 14% increase in net income. But is the company safe to invest in? Stable growth throughout 1995-97 showed net income bolt to $38,125, up 310%. But 1997 showed the risks involved with investing in a company that so heavily relies on natural resources (grapes). Shortages in supplies dropped net income by almost $8,000; earnings per share dropped .53 from 2.43 to 1.90. After analyzing the financial statement, I was able to determine several interesting aspects: a .52 debt ratio shows appeal to lenders; a current ratio of 6.31 is very impressive. Seeing that inventory is so unstable and subject to many natural extraordinary events, the more important acid test shows Mondavi has a comfortable, but less impressive ratio of 1.54. I have found that the financial statement for Robert Mondavi is not to my liking. The strange fonts and subdues colors Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework Financial Analysis of Robert Mondavi Robert Mondavi Seeing that I have already made millions upon millions in my moderately successful modeling career, I have decided to turn my attention to investing my money in stock, in particular, Robert Mondavi. 1998 was a hard year for Mondavi, an unforeseen shortage of their most popular wine (Woodbridge Chardonnay- 55% of their revenues) and stiff competition from several new imported brands forced net income down almost $8,000, and cut their earnings per share by 78%. For 1999, Mondavi was forced to take several actions to achieve their objectives. This included redoubling focus on the two largest-volume brands, appointing their Chief Financial Officer to Chief Operating Officer, doubling media expenditures to $7.3 million, taking a $6 million charge to write-off excess inventory and streamline their workforce, creating Brand Teams to improve accountability and planning, and adopt FIFO method of inventory accounting to improve predictability earnings and improve the measurement of inventory value. Mondavi has apparently shown great results from the restructuring, the concentration on the two largest-volume brands have accounted for 20% of the growth of all U.S. varietal wines. They reported record gains in their first quarter report of 2000. The bottom line of the annual report for 1999 shows a 14% increase in net income. But is the company safe to invest in? Stable growth throughout 1995-97 showed net income bolt to $38,125, up 310%. But 1997 showed the risks involved with investing in a company that so heavily relies on natural resources (grapes). Shortages in supplies dropped net income by almost $8,000; earnings per share dropped .53 from 2.43 to 1.90. After analyzing the financial statement, I was able to determine several interesting aspects: a .52 debt ratio shows appeal to lenders; a current ratio of 6.31 is very impressive. Seeing that inventory is so unstable and subject to many natural extraordinary events, the more important acid test shows Mondavi has a comfortable, but less impressive ratio of 1.54. I have found that the financial statement for Robert Mondavi is not to my liking. The strange fonts and subdues colors

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Authors

Alan Alexander Milne and Alexander McCall Smith are two of the world’s most beloved authors, and share much more than the name Alexander. These two authors wrote several children stories, and were quite famous. Although, their writing styles may differ, they share the ability for you to unhinge your mind and let it be free. Milne started out as a comedian writer for a magazine in New York, and he eventually evolved into a champion for children’s. Both Smith’s and Milne’s written work is currently viewed on TV around the globe.The portion of Milne’s work that is broadcasted on television is the famous â€Å"Winnie the Pooh† series. â€Å"Winnie the Pooh† was the story that engraved Milne’s name into history books, and was even made into several other products. Now, Smith’s book â€Å"No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency† is one of the world’s most popular series, and a very well known television show. Unlike â€Å"Winnie the Pooh† Smith’s series won several awards including New York Bestseller and Booker Prize for Fiction Judges. Inspiration can come in many forms.It may come as a bird with a tied message, a child, war, or even your own home. As for Milne’s inspiration it came from different sources, such as WWI and his son. One of Milne’s stories, â€Å"Peace with Honor†, was written after his resignation from the army, and is a reflection on war. As for â€Å"Winnie the Pooh†, it was originally written for adults in order to bring out the inner child. The inspiration behind the Pooh books was Milne’s child. Milne’s inspiration is very different from where Smith derived. For Smith, many of his stories are enthused from African folk tales. The â€Å"No. Ladies’ Detective Agency† was inspired from watching a woman chase a chicken in her front yard, and at that moment McCall Smith literally wanted to write about an Afr ican woman, thus the â€Å"No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency† was born. But even now Smith writes a series known as â€Å"44. Scotland Street†, which is inspired from†¦nothing. Smith was merely dreaming up an interesting story at the time, and had no need for some great inspirational event to happen. A writer’s style is always identified by reading a majority of his/her books, and is usually found to have a narrow writing style.Whether it be mystery, comedy, adventurous, or drama, Milne seemed to write whatever he felt like writing, even if the public’s opinion opposed it. Many of Milne’s stories seemed to have a plot of a child’s book, but as we all know many were meant for the child within us. Smith’s style of writing is similar to Milne’s; they’ll both make you form a slight grin on your face because you might find the situation a bit humorous. However, in â€Å"No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency†, Smith wrote about adventurous mystery solvers, who would grab your attention on every page.After a story is read there is always some reflection to what was just read, and even compared to another book that was just read. In this situation A. A. Milne would win. Even though McCall Smith may be more adventurous and silly (much like me) I find having the child brought out within is much more surreal when reading one of A. A. Milne’s book. Neither fame nor an interesting birth place will help Smith, for his stories are too simple and plain much of that of a child’s brain. As for Milne, his wide view of writing style, and interesting characters are key to a reader’s enjoyment.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Evaluation of “Letter from Birmingham Jail” & “Resistance to Civil Government” Essay

Evaluation of â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† & â€Å"Resistance to Civil government† Both passages â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† and â€Å"Resistance to Civil government† have the same general purpose which was the idea of Civil disobedience, not agreeing with the law because it violates one’s morality or inner conscience belief. In the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† Martin Luther King explains his reasoning for why he retaliated the law and the idea of protesting without violence. Henry David Theoreau recognizes the unjust ways of the government and the issues of slavery. The tone that Theoreau uses seems to be more aggravated and anger driven than that of King, who expresses the issues using a less harsh tone and not as many witty comments. In King’s passage, his tone is more deep and personal, speaking on a level representing the African American community and the hardships that they go through. In Theoreau’s passage, he uses a less personal approach and uses more factual based things and the use of grim irony explaining that what is being done is the opposite of what America was founded on, he goes on to say â€Å"Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward† This is similar to King’s quote â€Å"The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that â€Å"an unjust law is no law at all.†. King also explains his reasoning for his actions, for the revolutions and rebellion for the sake of the rights that all men are created equal and should be treated that way in America, because that is what is stated in the constitution and what the Christian faith is.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Sociological Imagination

The sociological imagination is the notion that allows a person to understand the greater picture of oneself and one’s role in society. C. Wright Mills writes, â€Å"The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals.† (Mills 1959, p. 3) In this essay, I will examine my own life from a sociologist perspective. I will look at my position as an individual in society and take a sociological glance at my future based on Mills’ concept of the sociological imagination. In order to effectively due this, I must first give you my class background. From there, I will give an in depth look into the sociological imagination and conclude with a critical analysis of how these both relate to one another. I grew up in a relatively small suburb just outside of Los Angeles in Southern California. The city, Manhattan Beach, is home to just over 30,000 persons with a median household income of about $70,000 dollars. The town is 89% white which, coupled with the relatively high median household income, is indicative of an upper-class neighborhood. Per square foot, it has some of the most expensive housing per square foot in all of California. Being a mere 3.88 square mile beach city and having a $3.8 billion assessed city valuation, the city is densely rich. Manhattan beach is also home to several expensive shopping boutiques and trendy coffee shops that attract a young, professional population. Many predict that Manhattan Beach will soon be the next Hollywood due to the newly constructed movie studios and the extravagant lifestyles of many residents. With its ever-growing upper class population, the city offers numerous opportunities to those who can afford living there. My family clearly represents the quintessential, rich Manhattan Beach household. With a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a dog... Free Essays on The Sociological Imagination Free Essays on The Sociological Imagination Our textbook states that the sociological imagination is the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society. Michael Moore’s recent documentary, Bowling for Columbine, of which I will make repeated reference to, demonstrates how gun violence affects the U.S. from a sociological perspective. From an individual perspective, any person can get angry at another person, pick up a gun, and go shoot them. So why do so many more carry out the act of shooting others in the U.S. than they do in other countries? The ease with which someone in our country can get a gun, with only a simple background check and a several-day waiting period, is a bit alarming, to say the least. But, as Moore points out, Canada’s gun laws are very similar to ours. A lot of people hunt in Canada, so the number of firearms available in Canada is comparable to the U.S, where hunting is also common. Yet Canadian fatalities due to firearm-related deaths total in the low hundreds, while the U.S. has over 10,000 deaths in one year that are directly related to firearms. In Bowling for Columbine, Moore goes to Canada to investigate. What he finds is surprising. A man or woman can purchase a gun just as easily as in the United States. Moore is even allowed to purchase ammunition at a local depart ment store with his U.S. drivers license. Everyone Moore encounters on the street appears to be friendly and congenial towards him. The real kicker is the responses Moore gets when he asks people if they lock their doors in Canada. From what Moore shows, nobody does! He even goes up to peoples’ doors in the daytime and tests door knobs to demonstrate this. What is the point of all this? The single striking difference that Moore could find between Canada and our country was in its news broadcasts. The nightly news in Canada is more factual in comparison to our six o’clock or eleven o’clock news. Most importantly, Canadia... Free Essays on The Sociological Imagination The sociological imagination is the notion that allows a person to understand the greater picture of oneself and one’s role in society. C. Wright Mills writes, â€Å"The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals.† (Mills 1959, p. 3) In this essay, I will examine my own life from a sociologist perspective. I will look at my position as an individual in society and take a sociological glance at my future based on Mills’ concept of the sociological imagination. In order to effectively due this, I must first give you my class background. From there, I will give an in depth look into the sociological imagination and conclude with a critical analysis of how these both relate to one another. I grew up in a relatively small suburb just outside of Los Angeles in Southern California. The city, Manhattan Beach, is home to just over 30,000 persons with a median household income of about $70,000 dollars. The town is 89% white which, coupled with the relatively high median household income, is indicative of an upper-class neighborhood. Per square foot, it has some of the most expensive housing per square foot in all of California. Being a mere 3.88 square mile beach city and having a $3.8 billion assessed city valuation, the city is densely rich. Manhattan beach is also home to several expensive shopping boutiques and trendy coffee shops that attract a young, professional population. Many predict that Manhattan Beach will soon be the next Hollywood due to the newly constructed movie studios and the extravagant lifestyles of many residents. With its ever-growing upper class population, the city offers numerous opportunities to those who can afford living there. My family clearly represents the quintessential, rich Manhattan Beach household. With a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a dog...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Washing up liquid advert Essay Example

Washing up liquid advert Essay Example Washing up liquid advert Essay Washing up liquid advert Essay This essay is going to discuss the Fairy Aromatics washing up liquid advert. The advert is to promote the new fragrances and bottle shape that Fairy has recently introduced.  This advert does not have a narrative. Instead it just uses a series of bright, eye-catching images in modern colours to make you remember the advert, and hopefully the product too.  The advert is in three main parts, one to advertise each of the three new fragrances. The first part shows a woman with short hair in her early thirties falling back on to the petals of a giant pink flower, the same colour as the new spring fresh liquid. She breathes in the scent of the product with a relaxed and happy expression on her face, and then demonstrates the product by washing a plate, which comes out of the water sparkling and clean. The screen then cuts to the second character, a young man, who slides down a giant spiral apple. He also appears relaxed and happy, and is obviously having fun. There is then a special effect, as there is a cube rotation to link the end of this shot with the next. The last character is a young woman, this time with longer hair but approximately the same age, who is bathing under a giant lemon half. She massages her hair and appears relaxed and refreshed as she stands under the shower. At the end of the advert the screen is divided into thirds, each showing an object to represent on of the fragrances. Each third then goes through an open door rotation to reveal a bottle of the product in each of the fragrances corresponding with the object in the shot before. The shot at near the beginning of the advert where the first woman is washing up is quite realistic, although everything is very clean in comparison to how you would usually expect it to be. However, the rest of advert is quite surreal as it features people interacting with giant fruits and flowers. There are three characters used in this advert, two women and one man, each one specifically endorsing one of the new fragrances on offer. We can see from the choice of characters that Fairy is trying to appeal to a larger target audience than before. Traditionally on the Fairy adverts we see a woman with a young child, who is probably slightly older than the characters used here. Now they have chosen to include a token man in the advert as well, showing that they are attempting to include men in their new target audience. They still however show a woman actually doing the washing up rather than a man, which is quite stereotypical. The fact that they show more women in the advert rather than men shows that they still want the product to appeal more to women, as usually it is still the woman that actually goes out shopping to buy household things like washing up liquid. The chosen characters in this advert are all being used as role models for the audience. The first woman in particular seems to be the perfect housewife. Her kitchen is spotlessly clean, and her hair and make-up is done beautifully, even though she has only been cooking the dinner. When she washes the plate, it requires no effort for them to become brilliantly clean and sparkling. She has the kind of stereotypical television lifestyle that many people would love to have. As people want to be like her, they will also want the things she has, like the washing up liquid. When she washes the plate, the light focuses on this rather than her, as it shows the wonderful result the product has achieved, and draws your attention to it. Throughout the shots she appears in, her facial expression always shows confidence and relaxation. When she falls back on to the flower she closes her eyes and her body language is open as her arms are held out away from her body. This shows her confidence, and also shows she is relaxed in this situation. Her expression also shows hints of luxury as she falls on to the petals. In this shot the light is focused on her face so these feelings are conveyed to the audience. The next shot, the close up on her face, helps to reinforce these messages. The next character, the man, also shows an expression of confidence and happiness. Again, his body language is open as he holds his arms up and out to the sides as he slides down the apple with the camera tracking him. As the shot changes from the first woman to him, the music also changes slightly, but not dramatically. A guitar is added into the instruments already used, which gives it a slightly more masculine sound to the melody. It also adds a more fresh sound to the music as the focus changes from the floral fragrance to the apple one. It is subtle but helps the scenes flow smoothly from one to another. To make the next transition smooth, a cube rotation is used to link to the next scene of the woman bathing under the lemon half. The camera starts focused on the lemon, but then tilts down to a medium shot of the womans face. She appears relaxed and refreshed as she massages her hair under the shower, and the light focuses on her face. The camera then cuts to a shot looking up at her from below. This makes her seem like a role model, as she appears higher up than the audience and you are looking up to her example and how relaxed and happy she looks from buying this product.  All three of the characters appear happy to be associated with the washing up liquid. The bright, modern colours used in the advert, with the young characters make the advert appealing to the younger audience. The advert attempts to make washing up seem cool at a time when there is so much competition with dishwashers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Story About WWF Essays - American Christians, WWE Hall Of Fame

A story about WWF "Welcome everybody to 'Raw IS War'! Tonight's main event is Sting verses Shawn Michaels for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. Before we begin, here is a little information on the challenger, Sting," announced Vince McCann. "He hails from Death Valley, California. At 7 feet tall and over 300 pounds, he is the biggest wrestler in the WWF. He is the 'Man from the dark side'," Jim Ross stated. "Ladies and Gentlemen..... here is your challenger........ Sting!" The crowd cheers as Sting walks down the ramp. He is stopped at the bottom of the ramp to be interviewed by Gene Oakerland. "Sting, if I can ask you one question. Why do you want the title so badly?" " Well Gene, ever since I was a child, the championship belt has been held by disrespecting degenerates. I feel it's time for a real champion get the belt. That is why I'm here, I'm the people's cham....." Before sting could finish his sentence he is attacked by HHH. HHH's partner distracted the referee long enough for him to deliver the devastating 'Piledriver'. With Sting's head exposed, HHH drops to the ground and drives Sting's exposed head on the cement floor. The force was enough to break his neck. Sting was knocked out from the force of the impact. When he awoke, he was in an ambulance. "Where am I? Somebody please tell me where I am," Sting pleaded. The paramedic treated him to calm down. "I can't move! I can't move" he would say. It took about half an hour to Sharp Hospital. Two doctors were waiting for him when he arrived. The immediately took him to the operating room. It was here that Sting found out that he had suffered a broken spine. The doctor ordered an experimental operation. It was a highly dangerous operation. One mess up could kill the superstar. It took five hours to complete the difficult operation. Sting was wheeled into his private room. To make him feel more at home, the room was decorated with WWF merchandise. When Sting woke up, he had a sharp pain in his neck. The doctor gave him some medicine to help. It worked a little bit. About three hours after he woke up, a doctor came in and told him that he probably never be able to wrestle again. Sting heart sunk. He didn't want to hear that. It was about seven in the morning when Sting went to sleep. It had been nearly ten hours since he arrived at the hospital. For the first two months, all he did was sleep. The medicine they were giving him making him very sleepy. When he was awake, he would move his hand a little. The slight movement of his hands made the doctors extremely happy. They now were sure that he wasn't paralyzed. It took him another fours months before he could move his arm perfectly. With the confidence he had gained, he tried to walk out of bed. As soon as he was off the bed, he feel flat on his face. Sting was soon transferred to the San Diego Rehabilitation Center . For the first few months, he would just sit in bed thinking of ways to get back HHH. One Sunday, he happened to watch church on t.v. He saw a man who claimed that God cured him of paralysis. Sting started to pray immediately. "Dear Lord, It's me Sting. I know you are really busy and all but if you could, I would really like to wrestle again. Amen." Sting recited this prayer for the next two weeks. On the fifteenth day, he tried to move his feet

Friday, October 18, 2019

Intermediate Sanctions - Home Confinement Assignment

Intermediate Sanctions - Home Confinement - Assignment Example Electronic monitoring is mainly used as a supervisory tool. This helps the officers monitor the activities of the offender more effectively. The offenders are usually required to adhere to a strict schedule of activities. Under the home confinement, there are two main types of programs. First, there are the pretrial programs which use home confinement as an alternative form of detention before the individuals are taken to court. Secondly, there are post-adjudication programs which use home confinement as an alternative to incarceration. This program was initially intended to serve as an alternative to sentencing for drunken driving offenders but has expanded to include other offenders as well. Generally, home confinement mainly excludes offenders of serious and violent crimes. The level of supervision or restriction is given depends on the type of the offender. These restrictions may be simple curfews or may be as severe as lock-downs. There are three main levels of restrictions: curfews, home detention, and home incarceration. When it comes to curfews, the participants of this program are required to be at home every day at specific times. Home detention requires that the participant remains in his home throughout except for specific approved times. Finally, home incarceration is when the offender is put under complete lock-down, except for specific activities approved by the court. Home confinement may be used by the courts as a sanction for people who go against the regulations of their supervision. The purpose o f home confinement depends on the stage of the criminal justice process in which it is applied. Regardless of the stage, however, it is mainly used as a means of protecting the public.

African American Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

African American Culture - Essay Example African American Culture is one such culture, which exhibits certain uniqueness, as the Afro-Americans practice certain activities in various spheres of their life, which is quite different from the dominant culture of White Americans (Marionis, 2004). But, on the other hand, certain activities or characteristics of African-Americans are stereotyped by the majority. So, this paper will list certain cultural characteristics, which are stereotyped. The immigration or the influx of African Americans into U.S. from a diverse range of cultures and countries started in the early centuries itself. As, they came from Africa, and later from the Caribbean countries and the Central and South American countries, they brought majority of their cultures, and this culture continues in their population, generations after generation with modifications in tune with changing times. Music of Afro-Americans is mainly polyrhymic music with roots in the African tradition, but now they are stereotyped as creators of only Rap, hip-pop music, with limited talents in other genres. The ethnic dance of the Afro-Americans is mainly based on the dance practices of the African slave communities, but now that cultural perspective is changed and break dances, which are done mainly done in the streets, are stereotyped as the dances of the Afro-Americans. When it comes to Literature, the Afro-American cultural characteristic is the verbal tradition of story telling. And as the modern day writers like Alex Haley, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, to name a few, started to write works based mainly on Afro-American themes, they are again stereotyped. (Scott, 2005). Theirs distinctive Language patterns are also stereotyped nowadays. For example, Pidgins, a mixture of several languages, is normally spoken by African Americans. But, today inner city young people speak AAVE which is

Media Culture and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media Culture and Society - Essay Example Matthew Arnold once fought to ensure that the cultural life of a nation should be available to all, not merely the rich in their fancy salons, and the BBC has in part been part of that mission. But the issue of balance is a tricky one as Scannell discusses in his article on the BBC. How far should the BBC go in appealing to the public? How much should the public pay? These are difficult issues that will be explored in the court of this paper. In the course of his article on the subject Paddy Scannell discusses the BBC's monopoly on public broadcasting, its history, and its responsibility to the public. The basic premise behind state control of broadcasters is that these organizations are simply too important to be left to their own devices (Scannell, p4). The government needs to control them because politically and culturally they have a real power over peoples lives. They project into peoples' homes any number of stories, news items, and current events. They can also project into homes negative ideas that may lead to negative consequences. Such was the thinking in the early days of the BBC. Broadcasting should be controlled by those who know best. And yet a number of people resent the extreme control that the government possesses over broadcasting, and this led to an eventual liberalization. Rather than having the BBC be funded out of general revenue, it would be done so by subscription. The TV license fiasco is behind much of this problem. Unmarked vans drive up and down the streets of Britain seeking to detect unlicensed televisions (TV Vans). To American eyes, this is something out of North Korea. To Britons, it is part of the history of the BBC. For many years, commercial television was seen as an unalloyed bad. When new channels were being auctioned off, they were given to the BBC, because â€Å"[i]n short, commercial television was regarded as failing to live up to its responsibilities as a public service. It was not fit, in its present form, to extend its activities, and the plum that the committee had on offer—a third television channel—was unhesitatingly awarded to the BBC† (Scannell, p9). Nevert heless, as Scannell argues, if a public broadcaster can create the right kind of show it can help to establish an enlightened democracy (Scannell, p5). This is part of the duty and challenge of public television. It can help to shape the minds of citizens and instill the best kind of virtues. Indeed, this is why many people support public television. But when they see shows such as Eastenders and the Weakest Link on their public television channels they wonder why they have to pay for them. This is part of the challenge of public television: not all tastes are alike. Eastenders in particular has come in for a great deal of criticism over the years. This soap opera which takes place in a fictional neighbourhood in London has been on the air for decades and has long been one of the most popular shows on the BBC. Eastenders is a show that presents working class life in Britain. There are some who argue that this is within the mandate of a public broadcaster and that those who oppose su ch shows are being elitist. The mandate of a public broadcaster is to appeal to all segments of the population. Not every show can be like Masterpiece Theatre or a high-level

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Based Practice - Essay Example Health care providers also engage in experimental setups, which generate results and knowledge on the best means of providing health care. The findings from these experiments and the literature search are then used to make informed decisions and choices by nurses. Thus, decision-making process is based on the evidence, which is gathered from literature search and physical experiments. Health care providers also engage in questioning the decisions, which they make by evaluating the validity of the existing evidence. Such questions include â€Å"why† some methods and processes are in existences and not others. This creates foundation for the improvement of the research process in order to achieve the anticipated results of the research work. There is also partnership development at work with professional leaders. Such ensures that it is easier to disseminate and diffuse information on the best practice for the nursing. The partnerships also facilitate in end user adoption and im plementation of evidence-based

The use of the Historical Cost convention and the accrual concept for Essay

The use of the Historical Cost convention and the accrual concept for stewardship and for decision making - Essay Example It is this purchase price which is referred to as the "historical" cost. An extension of this discussion will lead to interesting questions. The asset must be shown in the books at the purchase price. It is not to be shown at the market value. This is done to ensure a "true and fair" picture of the financial position of the firm. It is commonly noted that the asset which is purchased by the company will increase/decrease in value over time, because of market forces. In such a case, the correct representation of the asset will lie only in showing them at their original, historical cost. Showing the asset at its market value will portray the asset at a value which may be inflated or deflated, as the market forces may be. This will defeat the purpose of financial accounting, which involves giving a "true and fair" view of accounts. In such a case, as per the historical cost principle, the value of this land will be $50,000 in the books. Showing it at the inflated price of $80,000 will be against the accounting principle of prudence2, and it will inflate the profits of the firm, which may influence prospective outsiders. We know that Assets less Liabilities equals equity. So, greater the assets, greater the equity. However, since investors, creditors and other outsiders need to know the accurate information, which can be provided only with an accurate stewardship, there has to be a method that makes the selection of asset-value uniform. And that method is the historical cost principle. Not only does the historical cost convention make the value of assets uniform and unambiguous - as the cost of acquisition is shown as the asset value - it makes the whole process of number crunching an easier one. Evaluating the assets at their market value allows a lot of ambiguity to creep in. Since market value is always subject to volatility, the value of assets would always be subjective. The historical cost principle, in such a situation, evaluates the assets at the cost of their acquisition, making the value objective and uniform3. In such a case, the historical cost convention is particularly useful for stewardship. As discussed earlier, the historical cost convention requires the asset to be valued at its acquisition cost only. This means that only the money which we have actually spent is to be shown in the books. An inflated value of the assets goes against the principle of prudence. Stewardship, which plays the important role of communication of information to outsiders, involves presenting the financial position of the firm as accurately as possible, and of course, keeping in mind all norms. The historical cost convention enables this function to be done with vital ease. Upon employing the historical cost principle, the books of accounts present an impartial view of the financial position of the business concern. This naturally, helps prospective outsiders make a fully informed decision,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Media Culture and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media Culture and Society - Essay Example Matthew Arnold once fought to ensure that the cultural life of a nation should be available to all, not merely the rich in their fancy salons, and the BBC has in part been part of that mission. But the issue of balance is a tricky one as Scannell discusses in his article on the BBC. How far should the BBC go in appealing to the public? How much should the public pay? These are difficult issues that will be explored in the court of this paper. In the course of his article on the subject Paddy Scannell discusses the BBC's monopoly on public broadcasting, its history, and its responsibility to the public. The basic premise behind state control of broadcasters is that these organizations are simply too important to be left to their own devices (Scannell, p4). The government needs to control them because politically and culturally they have a real power over peoples lives. They project into peoples' homes any number of stories, news items, and current events. They can also project into homes negative ideas that may lead to negative consequences. Such was the thinking in the early days of the BBC. Broadcasting should be controlled by those who know best. And yet a number of people resent the extreme control that the government possesses over broadcasting, and this led to an eventual liberalization. Rather than having the BBC be funded out of general revenue, it would be done so by subscription. The TV license fiasco is behind much of this problem. Unmarked vans drive up and down the streets of Britain seeking to detect unlicensed televisions (TV Vans). To American eyes, this is something out of North Korea. To Britons, it is part of the history of the BBC. For many years, commercial television was seen as an unalloyed bad. When new channels were being auctioned off, they were given to the BBC, because â€Å"[i]n short, commercial television was regarded as failing to live up to its responsibilities as a public service. It was not fit, in its present form, to extend its activities, and the plum that the committee had on offer—a third television channel—was unhesitatingly awarded to the BBC† (Scannell, p9). Nevert heless, as Scannell argues, if a public broadcaster can create the right kind of show it can help to establish an enlightened democracy (Scannell, p5). This is part of the duty and challenge of public television. It can help to shape the minds of citizens and instill the best kind of virtues. Indeed, this is why many people support public television. But when they see shows such as Eastenders and the Weakest Link on their public television channels they wonder why they have to pay for them. This is part of the challenge of public television: not all tastes are alike. Eastenders in particular has come in for a great deal of criticism over the years. This soap opera which takes place in a fictional neighbourhood in London has been on the air for decades and has long been one of the most popular shows on the BBC. Eastenders is a show that presents working class life in Britain. There are some who argue that this is within the mandate of a public broadcaster and that those who oppose su ch shows are being elitist. The mandate of a public broadcaster is to appeal to all segments of the population. Not every show can be like Masterpiece Theatre or a high-level

The use of the Historical Cost convention and the accrual concept for Essay

The use of the Historical Cost convention and the accrual concept for stewardship and for decision making - Essay Example It is this purchase price which is referred to as the "historical" cost. An extension of this discussion will lead to interesting questions. The asset must be shown in the books at the purchase price. It is not to be shown at the market value. This is done to ensure a "true and fair" picture of the financial position of the firm. It is commonly noted that the asset which is purchased by the company will increase/decrease in value over time, because of market forces. In such a case, the correct representation of the asset will lie only in showing them at their original, historical cost. Showing the asset at its market value will portray the asset at a value which may be inflated or deflated, as the market forces may be. This will defeat the purpose of financial accounting, which involves giving a "true and fair" view of accounts. In such a case, as per the historical cost principle, the value of this land will be $50,000 in the books. Showing it at the inflated price of $80,000 will be against the accounting principle of prudence2, and it will inflate the profits of the firm, which may influence prospective outsiders. We know that Assets less Liabilities equals equity. So, greater the assets, greater the equity. However, since investors, creditors and other outsiders need to know the accurate information, which can be provided only with an accurate stewardship, there has to be a method that makes the selection of asset-value uniform. And that method is the historical cost principle. Not only does the historical cost convention make the value of assets uniform and unambiguous - as the cost of acquisition is shown as the asset value - it makes the whole process of number crunching an easier one. Evaluating the assets at their market value allows a lot of ambiguity to creep in. Since market value is always subject to volatility, the value of assets would always be subjective. The historical cost principle, in such a situation, evaluates the assets at the cost of their acquisition, making the value objective and uniform3. In such a case, the historical cost convention is particularly useful for stewardship. As discussed earlier, the historical cost convention requires the asset to be valued at its acquisition cost only. This means that only the money which we have actually spent is to be shown in the books. An inflated value of the assets goes against the principle of prudence. Stewardship, which plays the important role of communication of information to outsiders, involves presenting the financial position of the firm as accurately as possible, and of course, keeping in mind all norms. The historical cost convention enables this function to be done with vital ease. Upon employing the historical cost principle, the books of accounts present an impartial view of the financial position of the business concern. This naturally, helps prospective outsiders make a fully informed decision,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why the early European Settlers viewed the “Indians” as Savages Essay Example for Free

Why the early European Settlers viewed the â€Å"Indians† as Savages Essay Like just about any people, the European settlers who first came to the Americas were ethnocentric and gain-driven. When they came to the Americas looking for riches and land, they encountered the indigenous people, whose ways were vastly different from the Europeans. These â€Å"Indians† were an apparently backward people, relying on apparently â€Å"primitive† methods to get things done, without the benefit of what the Europeans viewed as their superior technology and science. To the European settlers, people were savages if they did not have the European level of scientific and technological sophistication. The Indians lived in flimsy homes and used simple tools, which the Europeans saw as inferior. Since the Indians did not possess advanced technologies, the Europeans speculated that they were probably of inferior minds. The notion that the Indians were savages was almost immediately generalized among the white population The European settlers acknowledged that the Indians were human beings, but ethnocentric attitudes and concerns over power—both political and economic—led to the treatment of the Indians as an inferior people. Thus the native people of the Americas were viewed as savages. Added to this was the fact that the Indians were not of the â€Å"white† race, which further condemned them to a socially, politically, and economically inferior status. There was a backlash of sorts against this attitude towards American Indians. The notion of the â€Å"noble savage† surfaced. The noble savage was supposed to be a â€Å"superior† person, one uncorrupted by the evils of civilization, one who was healthy and in harmony with nature. However, instead of raising the status of Indians, this new conception of Indians was condescending and merely further entrenched the idea of Indians as â€Å"savages. † Ultimately, the â€Å"savagery† that Europeans saw in the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas was founded on a perceived difference between the European and Indian societies, and depended most of all on the ignorance and ethnocentrism of the settlers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Export Potential Of Thai Canned Tuna To Japan

Export Potential Of Thai Canned Tuna To Japan Chapter I: Introduction Canned sea foods industry is a value-added industry for both domestic and imported raw products before export to foreign countries. It has been one of Thais exported agricultural industries which grown in value continuously. Canned tuna industry is the most important canned sea foods in Thailand. It has a value of 84 percent of the total canned sea foods export value in 2008. Thailand has been the worlds largest exporter of canned tuna for the last ten years, represents about 40 percent of worlds canned tuna export amount (EXIM Bank, 2009). Japan has been one of the major markets of Thai canned tuna export for very long period of times. Japans rate of import has been increasing almost every year. It imported 1.6 million cartons in 1991 and increased to about 2.6 million cartons in 1995 which Thailand was the number one exporter. Thailand held the market shares of 53.4 percent in 1991, increased to the highest of 71.8 percent in1994, and decreased to 53.43 percent in 1995 (Boonmasu, 1998). More recently, Thailand still held most of the Japan canned tuna market shares (50.9 percent) in 2008, fallowed by Indonesia (23.2 percent) and Philippines (16.7 percent) (Global Trade, 2008). However, nowadays Thailand is facing the problems of quantity and price uncertainty including import tax in exportation of canned tuna to Japan. In the last quarter of 2008 (October December) the export of canned tuna from Thailand experienced a negative trend as a result of the economic crisis. Except for the USA, exports to other major markets showed sharp decline during this period including Japan which decreases about 7.8 percent (Josupeit, 2009). Even though Thailand is the worlds largest canned tuna exporter, amount of tuna in Thai water area alone is not enough for the canned tuna industry so Thailand has to import raw material (tuna) from other countries for up to 70 percent of the total tuna input, this results as the high cost of production because about 73 percent of canned tuna production cost come from chilled or frozen tuna (Jintatam, 1997) Indonesia and Philippines are the major competitors that have some advantages over Thailand. These two countries have abundance of tuna resource and low labor cost which give them the advantage of lower cost of production. However, their production forces are still far off Thais total canned tuna production. International trade agreements like the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) and the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (AJCEP) are the major factors affecting import tax of canned tuna in Japan that needed to be studied. Japan has decreased import tax for Thai canned tuna from 4.3 percent to 3.2 percent in 2009 and will decrease to 0 percent in 2012 under JTEPA. However, Thailand still has to import raw material (tuna) from other countries and JTEPA only affects tuna that been caught from Thais boat or IOTC (Indian Ocean Tuna Commission) members, so Thailand cannot get full advantage from the agreement. It is expected that AJCEP agreement will increase advantage of Thai canned tuna export to Japan after its enforcement in 2009. From the above reasons, it is important to study Japans canned tuna market nature, market share, comparative advantage of Thailand, and related trade agreements to make a decision of expansion the export of Thais canned tuna market to Japan in the future. Objectives To study market nature, change of growth rate and market shares, and competitiveness of Thai canned tuna in Japan. To study effects of international trade agreements; JTEPA and AJCEP to Thai canned tuna export to Japan. To analyze relationships between frozen tuna prices and amount of Thai canned tuna export to Japan. Contribution/Benefits This study provides knowledge of canned tuna market in Japan including growth rate and changes of market share to know potential and competitiveness of Thai exports. And also provides knowledge of factors effecting export value change to find errors which could be used by exporters and other researchers for further study. Methodology and Variables The study gathers related secondary data from previous researches, journals and thesis, including statistics from both the government and public sectors e.g. EXIM bank, Department of Export Promotion, Department of Business Economics, Department of Fisheries, and Food and Agriculture Organization (FOA). Descriptive Analysis will be used to describe nature of canned tuna market export from Thailand to Japan, effects of JTEPA and AJCEP on canned tuna export, growth rate and market shares of Thai canned tuna export to Japan, and SWOT analysis, to see competitiveness between Thailand and its major competitors; Indonesia and Philippines, by using statistic data in the form of chart, percentage, and table to support the description. Grangers Causality Test is used to examine relationship of frozen tuna price and amount of Thai canned tuna exports to Japan. If past X contains useful information (in addition to the information in past Y) to predict future Y, so X granger causes Y. Z fails to Granger-causes Y if: MSE[E(xt|It-1)] = MSE[E(xt|Jt-1)] Here It-1 contains past information on Y and Z while Jt-1 contains past information on Y only. Regression: xt=c+ÃŽÂ ±xt-1+ÃŽÂ ²yt-1+ut Test H0: ÃŽÂ ²=0 Chapter II: Literature Review Several published literatures had examined export potential of Thai canned tuna to foreign markets such as the study of Charoenkhwan (2003) which studied on the general condition of canned tuna marketing in U.S.A., market share of Thai canned tuna in U.S.A. and factors that impact on demand for input of U.S.A. to Thai canned tuna. The result of studying general condition indicated that Thailand was the first ranking of the world in canned tuna industry. They also analyzed on changing of export value of canned tuna by using Constant Market Share model (CMS) indicated that Albacore, Yellow fin and the other tuna of Thailand had exports average growth more than U.S.A. trade effect. For an analysis on factors that impact on demand for input of U.S.A. to Thai canned tuna was dependent on import price in Thai canned tuna adjusting by consumer price index of U.S.A. Boonmasu (1998) aimed to study the nature, together with the problem and the obstacles of the production and export, including the study of market competitive advantage of Thai canned tuna product by comparing among the majors competitors within this region; Philippines and Indonesia. Her study emphasized on important export markets; the USA, EU, Japan and the world markets. Quantitative analysis, descriptive analysis and revealed comparative advantage (RCA) are the major tools she used to analyze the gathered secondary data during 1991-1995. The outcome of the study shows that Thailand has to import the frozen tuna around 70 percent of the volume needed for production. The analysis of the main export markets of Thailand has found that the product is more competitive comparing to the other competitors. However, such competitive ability and advantage seem to be lessened consistently. Study of Kijboonchoo and Kalayanakupt (2003) attempted to measure the comparative advantage and competitive strength of Thailand in exporting canned tuna to the world market between 1982 and 1998. They also used revealed comparative advantage (RCA) as the major tool. Their study shows that Thailand was the largest exporter of canned tuna in the world market between 1982 and 1998. Thailands comparative advantage has been decreasing in all the studied periods. Also market shares in terms of export volume and value have fallen significantly in the studied periods. Kaewchuey (2007) studied production and marketing of palm fruit and crude palm oil in Thailand, and analyzed palm oil price relationship between different market levels. The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and the Ganger Causality Test were employed to examine the horizontal and vertical price relationships of palm oil. The results showed that all price series used in this study were integrated of order I. Therefore, the Cointegration Test was applied to test for long term price relationships between the markets. The results indicated that there were long term relationships between international prices of crude palm oil and wholesale prices, and between wholesale prices and palm fruit prices in local markets. The result from the Grangers Causality Tests revealed that vertical price relationships existed. International prices of crude palm oil Granger-caused wholesale prices, which, in turn, Granger-caused palm fruit prices in local markets. The results implied that the price of palm oil at a higher market level could influence the price at a lower market level. Chapter III: Japan Canned Tuna Market Market Characteristics Growth Rate and Market Shares Table 3.1: Market shares of canned tuna in major market countries in the year 2008 (Unit: percents) USA Australia Japan Thailand 46.4 96.2 50.9 Indonesia 6.2 1 23.2 Philippines 12.5 0.7 16.7 Others 34.9 2.1 9.2 Total 100 100 100 Source: Global Trade, 2008 Table 3.2: Thailands frozen tuna imports 2007-2008 (separated by species) (Unit: Q in 1,000 tons, V in billion Baht) Species 2007 Q 2007 V 2008 Q 2008 V % change Q % change V Skipjack 403.1 16,169.7 498.9 28,202.9 23.8 74.4 Yellow Fin 84 4,477.4 82.2 5,356.5 -2.1 19.6 Albacore 32.2 2,019.4 24.2 1,928.4 -24.8 -4.5 Big Eye 2.8 113.2 4.2 221.1 50 -95.3 Others 0.8 18.9 0.1 7.2 16.6 -61.9 Total 522.9 22,789.6 609.6 35,716.1 Source: INFOFISH Chapter IV: International Trade Agreements JTEPA AJCEP Chapter V: SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats Chapter VI: Grangers Causality Test If past X contains useful information (in addition to the information in past Y) to predict future Y, we say X granger causes Y. Note that Grangers causality test may or may not indicate causal effect of x on y (could you think of some examples?) Z fails to Granger-causes y if: MSE[E(xt|It-1)] = MSE[E(xt|Jt-1)] Here It-1 contains past information on Y and Z while Jt-1 contains past information on Y only. Regression: xt=c+ÃŽÂ ±xt-1+ÃŽÂ ²yt-1+ut Test H0: ÃŽÂ ²=0 Chapter VII: Conclusion and Discussion Kijboonchoo and Kalayanakupt (2003) had made suggestions of six possible ways to solve the Thais canned tuna problems and obstacles that should be done by both government and private sector; the problem of the lack of domestic raw materials should be eliminated or reduced, production plants and procedure should be upgraded, Thai producers and exporters should build up their own brands and trademarks, Producers and exporters should adjust their plants, products and production procedures to meet the importing countries standards and regulations, the related government unit should provide more information to the Thai producers and exporters, and they should have the web site in order to provide their information to customers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pompey The Great :: essays research papers

Pompey The Great   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pompey was a Roman general and political leader. He was a member of the first Triumvirate with Julius Caesar and Marcus Crassus, but later became Caesar's enemy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pompey was born September 30, 106 B.C. His first important military experiences were in the Social war during which his father Pompeius Strabo, taught Pompey his military skills. Pompey distinguished himself in the civil war between Lucies Sulla and Gaius Marius. Pompey raised his own army in Picenum. He did such a good job raising his army he was made an imperator general. In 83 B.C., he was sent as an imperator general to Sicily and then to Africa. Successes in both places earned Pompey the name Magnus and the honor of a triumph, although he was little over 25 years old and legally unqualified for such a status.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some years later, the senate used his aid against the remnants of Marius' factor. Then in 77 B.C., Pompey moved against the Marian forces commanded by Quintus Sertorius in Spain. There his operations were not rewarded but Sertoriu's death by poison permitted Pompeys return to Italy in time to annihilate the remnants of Spartacus's army fleeing from the defeat at Crassus hands (71 B.C.). For his victory, Pompey celebrated his second triumph although he still held public office. He got a spot in office by moving into the highest office of all, the consulship with Crassus as his colleague (70 B.C.). Together they overthrew Sulla's constitution by giving the plebian tribunes their former powers and the knights partial control of the law courts. In 67 B.C., the tribune Aulus Gabinius, by a bill gave extraordinary military powers to Pompey. His objective was to deal with Piracy throughout the Mediterranean. Pompey needed only three months to finish this task.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This feat led to further honors. In 60 B.C., on the motion of another tribune, Pompey received even greater powers when appointed in Lucullus's place as commander against Mithridates the Great. With little difficulty, the new Roman commander forced the Mithridates from Asia Minor and then spent some years overrunning the North East. The big range of Pompey's Journeys and his hatred towards the natives started future trouble with Parthia. Pompey did, however, increase Rome's dominions, and he also laid a firm foundation for Roman administration in the area. While in Palestine, he learned of Mithridates' suicide and some months later he returned to Italy and a third triumph. His action in disbanding his army relieved his enemies of their anxiety at his return, but it also persuaded the senate to refuse to approve his near Eastern

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Technology in the film Tron Essay -- Film Movie Tron Technology Essays

Technology in the film Tron Introduction The purpose of my project is to discover how technology is represented within the film Tron. To answer this research question, I viewed and analyzed the movie and incorporated information from the text and various websites. While studying this film, I took into consideration factors such as images and language used, how technology is related to society, and what symbols the creator used to convey certain qualities of technology. In this research paper, I will begin by explaining the significance of this project and my areas of research. I will then relay the focus of my investigation, the methods I employed to gain my research, analyze the film, and discuss the implications of my analysis. I will conclude with a summary of the main points. Rationale and focus A film such as Tron, with a plot that centers on science and technology, is an important artifact to study because it demonstrates our capabilities and understandings of technology in 1982, when the film was released. It also illuminates societal views of technology in the 1980s, and possible debates over proper uses of technology. It serves as an example of the manner in which technology was communicated to the public at that particular time. In my Rhetoric and Public Life class I learned that artifacts such as Tron are part of our social construction of reality. I have learned that popular culture and the film influence each other. I now have an overall understanding of how technology was represented in the movie. I first prepared for this project by researching the movie on the Internet. I found that Tron has several websites dedicated to it, one of which is maintained by a fan named Guy Gordon. From this si... ... symbols the creator used to convey certain qualities of technology, I discovered that technology is represented in this movie as a threat to society. By incorporating course concepts, I realize that people often have this reaction when encountering a new medium. I have also learned that there are many benefits, as well as drawbacks to this medium, but it is neither the destroyer of civilization nor the savior of impending doom. It is important to understand how it fits into our lives. References Adams, Tyrone and Clark, Norman, (2001). The Internet: Effective Online Communication. Harcourt College Publishers. Gordon, Guy, (2002). The Tron Page. Retrieved February 20, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Mcoran-Campbell, Adrian, Tron. The Unorthodox Reel. Retrieved March 26, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

Friday, October 11, 2019

Philippine Cinema: An in-depth Analysis Essay

Values and Traits of Filipino Films Philippine Cinema has unique values and traits. Don Jose as the Father of Filipino Films labeled the Filipino films as quality content and has a commercial appeal among movie goers. Many of the films created by Don Jose Nepomuceno were received the approval of the box office and win the heart of film critics. Nepomuceno has a mind-set in every movie that he will create that a content of a movie should have the combination of artwork and crass commercialism (Quirino, 1983). Nepomuceno did not know that he will become a master of film creation here in the Philippine Cinema. Nepomuceno studied fine arts in his college degree and after finishing that course he continued studying electrical engineering. He is also a business minded person at the very young age because of the influence of his family and they have their own business stalls. The combination of his technicality with his background in electrical engineering and the artistic mind of Don Jose as he had a background in his fine arts degree led him to his popularity and became a successful director in Philippine Cinema. He’s mind as business person also helped him to create movies that will approve the movie-goer’s choice as the competition from other films especially Hollywood films were tough at that time. He survived his movies as compare to other Filipino filmmakers to remain on the circulation (Qurino, 1983). On the study conducted by Nicanor Tiongson, she mentioned in her article entitled â€Å"Four Values in Filipino Drama and Film† that most of the films in the Philippines have a perspectives of 1.Maganda ang Maputi (White is beautiful) 2. Masaya ang palabas (Shows are the best) 3. Mabuti ang inaapi (Hurrah for the undog!) 4. Maganda pa ang Daigidig (all is right within the world) (Tiongson, 2004). Tiongson (2004) concluded on the said article above that the first value which is white is beautiful is the strongest evidence of colonial mentality from the date when we were colonized by the Spaniards up to the present time where in we’re introduced to Western-pop culture. Television also showed the concept of having white skin is beautiful. Lots of commercials endorsed to  use whitening soap, lotion, or even taking tablets or capsules are prescribed to have fair and white skin. The said article based on the study performed by Tiongson came up with a resolution and recommendation that those four values must be replaced by the following: 1. Maganda ang kayumangi 2. Masaya ang palabas na may laman 3. Mabuti ang may sariling isip 4. Gaganda pa ang daigdig. This only show that we need to create art that will help to lift-up our own culture. The article sends a message that if we think we have good content of the films, we can make it better by trying the values that we don’t use ( Tiongson, 2004). As what Tiongson concluded on her critics in Philippine Cinema, the content of the films produced locally became low and not offer unique storyline anymore. Viewers now a day entertained and patronized movies that has no content of artistry and it has a universal plot of story which can be viewed and be predicted even at the start of the story. As what important from the current film industry especially in mainstream movies are to give entertainment among the audience and it should have a crass of commercialism even the quality of the movie will suffer. It seems the reason why many Philippine filmmakers and film industry are currently facing huge problem in terms of gaining trust from the audience and the positive feed back from the film critics. Joe Quirino(1983), reported on his book â€Å"Don Jose and the early Philippine Cinema† that there are only two kinds of Filipino movies and both of them make you cry – one because it’s so sad and the other it’s so bad. This only means that early cinema created films that will touch the heart of viewers. Filipinos really love the story of a film or telenovela which has drama-genre that made their eyes cry. Atty. Espiridon Laxa (President of Philippine Motion Pictures Producers Association) narrated the traits of Filipino films and the reason on why it always cater sad stories in his speech – â€Å"When our film industry came into existence in 1917, rather than functions as an art expectedly to reflect the different facets of Philippine life it became a medium of expressing the sadness of a people who suffered from foreign domination after another. This  why so many years the local films depicted sob stories† (cited in Don Jose and the early Philippine Cinema, Quirino,1983). Colonization from different foreign countries was the reason why early cinema depicted into sad stories or drama-genre of films. Current events in our society might be a big influence on the trends of films produced within a certain period of time. Marc Ferro- co director of Annales (ESC) (as cited by del Mundo, 1998), he explored the intersection between history and cinema. â€Å"We need to study film and see it in relation to the world that produces it what is our hypothesis? – that film image or not reality, documentary or fiction, true story or pure invention, is History (pp. 29). Challenges of Philippines Cinema Industry Like a simple business industry, cinema industry also encounters problem and challenges like financial aspect that affect the number of films produce each year, huge amount of taxes placed by the government in the Philippine film industry and at the same time the lack of support of the government to our filmmakers and film industry. The main root of the low quality movie produced locally is the wrong perspective of most of the filmmakers especially in the mainstream industry. The perspective of a master cinema by Filipinos and filmmakers are represented by the foreign films. The Filipino filmmakers failed to break the influence of the colonialism in the films that they created ( Del Mundo, 1998). The main challenge among Filipino filmmakers is to go back to the roots of Philippine Culture like moro-moro and zarzuela but not necessarily revive them, but to explore these indigenous sources with new character and identity. This might help Filipino blind eyes of appreciating our own native culture and can bring a promise of brighter future of Philippine Cinema (Del Mundo, 1998).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Financial services Essay

HSBC wants to be known as the world’s local bank and this tagline reflects HSBC positioning as a globe spanning financial institution with a unique focus on serving local markets. The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd (HSBC) was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between China and the United Kingdom and currently, it is the second largest bank in the world. In spite of serving more than 100 million customers through 9500 branches in 79 countries, the bank works hard to maintain local presence and local knowledge each area. Its fundamental operating strategy is remaining close to its customers. As chairman Sir John Bond said â€Å"our position as the World’s local bank enables us to approach each country uniquely, blending local knowledge with a worldwide operating platform. † Ads for the HSBC campaign depict two different ways of culture Profile of company and the description of the market where HSBC operates HSBC has got over 7. 500 offices in 87 countries. It is very widespread and has around 220. 000 shareholders in 124 countries and territories. It provides a full range of financial services being Personal Financial Services, Commercial Banking, Corporate Investment Banking and Markets Private Banking. HSBC mainly operates in Europe, Hong Kong, Asia-pacific region, Australia and America. It is interested in the emerging markets of Asia-Pacific region and is continuously heavily investing in these regions. The major top UK competitors of HSBC are Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland and Those are the corporations operation where HSBC carefully investigates and tracks at all times. However HSBC is not a bank that follows the ideas and the management manners of its competitors. HSBC Holdings PLC has shown steady growth in share price over the last five years and clearly indicates that a company is worth investing in. HSBC Group also demonstrates constant growth and is a very reliable corporation. These enable us to recommend investing in HSBC because of its growth opportunities and bright profitable prospects. The HSBC banking corporation is on third position in the world in regard to assets ownership. Almost 22% of HSBC’s profits have been derived from Hong Kong, which is a well known operational centre. Known as the world’s local bank, HSBC has a history of helping millions of customers globally in order to achieve their financial aspirations. They understand the importance and functioning of different markets through their experience in international trade. As a result, HSBC has grown into a company or banking institution that has the deepest respect for different cultures and people connected to these cultures. Their motto is to look at their customers as individuals and strive towards providing them with a personalised service and credit card products that will fit each of their specific needs. Simultaneously, HSBC Group has been trying to build up a good reputation in the US and conquer the markets of HSBC – North America, proudly stands one of the top 10 financial services companies in the United States. Its combined team reached more than 53,000 employees works with the common goal of meeting the needs for about 100 million customers. After achieving the goals in US, the company focused on developing countries and is more interested in the emerging markets of Asia-Pacific region and is continuously heavily investing in these regions. Furthermore HSBC is considering moving its head office from London to Hong Kong. Britain’s greatest bank, warned key shareholders that this was unsatisfying full-year results have made arguments for shifting HSBC’s domicile to Hong Kong â€Å"unsatisfying†. The investors have been shocked by the swift gear-change in HSBC’s review of its domicile but some others have already told the HSBC that they would sponsor the move. Some other investors said that they understood the move and that the bank had been a change of tone as HSBC reviews its domicile. UKs capital terms for the main banks, now is one of the greatest in the world and according to the Basel terms, is expected to go even higher. Although HSBC refine to the investors that if the terms in Hong Kong is more relaxed requirements, that can cost less and develop more profit by making it the best use of its balance sheet. The loss of HSBC’s head office in London, despite the fact that abused for months because of the raise in financial arrangements, would be a severe blow to the Coalition which, admitting some of its banker criticism is relying on a private-sector-led recovery. However, HSBC supported that it elects to stay in UK and told that an approaching change in its position was entirely hypothetical. Marketing environment of HSBC The most important intention of the report is to investigate the business environment of HSBC Holdings PLC. HSBC Holdings also is one of the market leaders in today’s banking world. HSBC head office it can be found at London’s Canary Wharf on the HSBC tower. HSBC stands for Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, which was established by a man from Scotland, named Thomas Sutherland, in 1865. The report presents information about the company’s activities, financial performance and market environment. Going through few major topics will provide investors with reasonable overview. The first part of the main body will primarily focus on the Company’s Profile and Activities, afterwards the analysis of macro-environment and the micro-environment of the company, evidence of an audit of key competences within the company followed with the recommendations and conclusion. Macro-Environment Analysis PEST ANALYSIS POLITICAL Government is responsible for protecting the public interest. Political stability affects business decision. Consumer protection. Regulations of business activities. ECONOMIC Competitor activity. Competition for resources. Savings. Unemployment numbers. SOCIAL Work life balance. Trends in consumer behaviours. Leisure. Lifestyle. TECHNOLOGY Technological arrange is speeding up. Technology develops now products (internet). Improved communication. Internet business. POLITICAL ANALYSIS HSBC banking has been sheltered by the regulations and policies made by different governments in the countries where they are working. The company has been able to remain to the policies agreed by each government to make sure that the company will be able to accomplish business operation successfully and effectively. HSBC Company also formulates their own defence strategies besides any governmental restrictions and limitations. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Being one of the world’s leading and completive businesses in conditions of banking and finance HSBC said to have a secure and successful economic strength. In spite of lots of dangers that they meet in many parts of the world, the management of HSBC make what they need to be able to go beyond such struggles and to have a better economic condition and create a shield against unemployment. SOCIAL ANALYSIS HSBC is being affected by the circumstances of the society in which they are in use. By the side of this HSBC tries harder to make sure that each society is given the same chances to take the benefit of the resources given by the organization. The company adhere to having good name and relations in the society that belong to secure that everything will be customary and under control. TECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSIS The urgent situation of information technology, internet and generally the improvement of technology effects how HSBC has been working in the past years. The company search for different systems and used internet to get to their costumer all over the world and also help them know the latest trends in the global business. Except from these, the company also uses special facilities which help then to advance their productions and operations and also make them to achieve their goal. Technological breakthroughs can create new industries which might prove a danger to presented organizations. To summarise PEST analysis looks at the business strategies to understand the environment that the company is working and also to take the advantages and benefits to minimize the threats and the dangers for the business. Micro-Environmental Analysis -Porter’s Five Forces Potential entrants HSBC has many threats from Tesco, Sainsbury’s and a large number of other markets consider to enter into banking industry as a result of high profits that the specific kind of industry offers. Large super-markets in UK seek to enter without considering that those threats sometimes breakdown organisations such as HSBC. Although, HSBC received several threats from the market, they were still able to create high standards for the competition. Strong branding images are used from HSBC, so the company will not result in loss of customers. Bargaining power of customers An organisation created a value which has affected the occupation from one of the two important forces customers’ power. The role of this force contains the customers concentration along with the size. In other words, HSBC managed their customers as a result of allowing the company to gain customer loyalty. The strategy that was used by HSBC allows them to have a chance becoming a world leader in banking industry. Threat of substitutes: Another significant threat that HSBC faces is that competitors provide new products and services. This threat gives the opportunity to the company to work hard as a result of being sustain to its position. HSBC’s strategy focuses on the four different customers’ sections. Bargaining power of suppliers: Customer power mirrors to supplier power. This force focus on two important points. The first one is the significant size and concentration of suppliers and the second one the differentiation in the materials being supplied. HSBC use the strategy of charging markets with different prices according to differences of the price of each buyer. Rivalry among current competitors: There have many rivals in the banking and financial sectors. HSBC used efficient strategies to ensure its leadership position in the market among rivalries. Moreover, due to the capabilities of other rival companies, HSBC develops strategic plans to confirm that they are permanently being the first choice of their customers in banking industries. Nowadays, as we cross the mountain of financial crisis, a number of banks went to liquidation . SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS International Finance. Record Profits. Listed in London. China. WEAKNESSES Poor Performance. Brand Name. OPPORTUNITIES Growth on emerging economies. Biggest Bank in Middle East. Low mortgages interest rates. THREATS Moving back to China. New Regulations. Fewer Revenues from the integration of financial markets. STRENGTHS International Finance Since HSBC is a global company itself is well qualified to advise other companies on aspects of international business. With offices around the world, for the international client HSBC often cannot be defeated in this area. HSBC knows how to succeed in Mergers and Acquisitions (M & E) and the organic and the effective development. Record Profits Last year, HSBC experienced the most profits ever for a UK high street bank. HSBC have revealed their profits more than doubled in 2010 to ? 10 billion with every region in the black for the first time since 2006. Listed in London HSBC is listed primarily in London and Hong Kong stock exchanges, which saves the company a lot of grief in complying with new U. S. legislation Sarbanes-Oxley law. Many companies have chosen to list on foreign stock exchanges, except America, because of expensive new regulations. China HSBC has 140 years of experience in China. Since China is the place to be today for companies and banks, HSBC benefits for being so old Chinese company and accepted by the Chinese people. The best news for HSBC is that, like other companies grow in China, it does too. The reason this happens is that it wins new customers and new global opportunities with each passing day. The HSBC has the largest network of any foreign bank in China and deeply understands the Chinese market and the customer. In a world that is increasingly going the way of China, this is quite a boon to HSBC. WEAKNESSES Poor Performance There is a poor performance in the section of â€Å"personal finance services†. HSBC try to fix these problem years ago. But the problem is there every year. Brand Name While it is certainly a global company, HSBC came late in the game to decide to execute a comprehensive marketing strategy and take advantage of the global brand. Because he had created so many different banks in different countries at different times over a period of one hundred years, which set them up with different names – Hong Kong Bank of Canada, the British Bank of the Middle East, etc. Not even all of these banks prior to 1998, bore the logo of HSBC. In 1998, they were all branded together, but the previous lack of branding and name changes can damage the HSBC brand recognition. Customers may have thought that HSBC was responsible local bank and did not realize that HSBC had already serving for decades. OPPORTUNITIES Growth on emerging economies Apart from the growing Chinese middle class Brazilians and Indians have begun to appear as consumer culture, and thus increases wasteful consumers. Some residents of those countries in the past does not even own a bank account, but companies such as HSBC is ready to move in and benefit from the growing middle class in these areas. In places like Argentina and Turkey, HSBC experienced pre-tax profits by 50% in the past years. This is where it grows more. Biggest Bank in the Middle East The other banks are removed from the Middle East. However, HSBC has been running regional activities at the local level and have been rewarded for his efforts with numerous awards and honours for the Middle East market. HSBC is a trusted name there, and the company benefited from new democracy in Iraq by establishing a presence in the country. HSBC is the largest international bank in the Middle East. Low Mortgages Interest Rates The low mortgage interest rate increases the revenues and market’s shares. HSBC has made some records on this. THREATS Moving Back to China The banking colossal HSBC has been most explicit threat yet that it might move its headquarters from London because of the narrowing regulatory noose. New Regulations The investors of HSBC have been warned that future profitability will be affected by the new global policies designed to make the sector of financial more secure, but smoothed the blow with the promise of increasing dividends. Marketing Mix Of HSBC Marketing: HSBC was known as one of the biggest banking and financial services organization in the global. It has more than 9,800 offices worldwide and employs over 253, 000 people in 85 countries in the world and nowadays, the competition of banking company is very demanding and challenging. Therefore, many different organizations should be used strategic management so that compete effectively and successfully in theirs. In order to competing with other organization successfully, HSBC was able to use many strategies such as Marketing Mix, SWOT Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, and Porters Five Forces Analysis. These strategies focus on four customer groups include Private Banking, Personal Financial Services, Commercial Banking, and Corporate & Investment Banking and Markets, and these will help HSBC reach their organization goal. In Marketing Mix once the company is ready to choose business strategy, it has to begin planning the details of marketing mix or 4Ps (Kotler at el. 2008). The main aspect of Marketing Mix is product, price, place and promotion that the firm combine to produce the response it wants in the target of market segmentation. Product HSBC uses hexagon symbol which means one of the world leading brands for customer experience, corporate social responsibility and represents brand recognition. HSBC provide a full range of service, such as personal finance, commercial banking, corporate investment banking and markets, private banking, insurance, mortgage, credit cards and so on. Price In Price and Service Strategies, normally a low price will attract more customers, but HSBC did not focus on pricing strategy. They decided to use service strategy. For example, employee in HSBC serve customer with the best service. Place HSBC comprises around 9,800 offices in 85 countries especially Hong Kong, China, and UK. HSBC group moved its headquarters from Hong Kong to London. Also, HSBC provide the facility of â€Å"Internet Banking† where customers can access their account 24 hours per day and 7 days per week without going bank. Promotion Advertising is the best way to do promotion. HSBC also used many kind of advertising for their promotion, such as billboard, TVC, print ad, newspapers, spot radio and also website. In addition, HSBC sponsored with many company and exhibition, such as Jaguar, HSBC Women’s Champions. Segmenting, Target Markets and the behaviour of customers in segmenting of HSBC Marketing: The market segmentation can help the marketing manager to determine the best marketing mix for organizing and serving the unique segment. This process is dividing the markets into the segments for the potential customers and has the objective for improving the competitive position of the company which can serve its customer better customer service. Market Segmentation is a subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. Generally, the segmentation strategy is the division of the defined market in the smaller groups for the potential users of the products and can exhibit significant and meaningful variables which can represent the increased and measurable opportunity for the products positioning or investing the resources within the organization and can raised the forecasted marketing achievement objectives in the entire organizational goals of the business. The information technology is considered to be one of the major tools for the functionality scale worldwide of the company. It has its own website and it also has the e-business for internet, interactive, PC internet, and the telephone banking. In order to achieve the company’s marketing objectives, the organization needs to develop its marketing strategy or the marketing program that is centre to the detailed specification of marketing mix and it also includes the internal control as well as the procedures for assuring of effectively implemented and part of this is the market segmentation whereas if this is properly controlled or implemented, then it will greatly contribute to the achievement of the overall goals and the marketing objectives of HSBC. Many of the analyst believed that most of the financial institutions rely mainly on the generic marketing strategies. For the past years, HSBC is known as having the strong brand which can maintain the string perception for the minds of the customers. This can take the time for establishing much resource in keeping be remembering by the other customers as the local banks as well as managing in transferring the brand equities to the corporate brands. The Market Segmentation is the centre for the strong development of marketing strategy which involves the identification of the customers’ perception, needs, expectation, and the buying behaviour in order for them to group homogeneously for the customers who can be satisfied as well as marketed to the similar manner. Therefore, there had been expectation that the one segment can differ from the another activity to the customers profile and to the buying behaviour which has the connection to the sales and marketing activity in establishing these customers which is an ample factor for having these knowledge. The market segmentation is not only to group the customers but to shrewd the certain segment for the development of the clear brands position which as part of the integral process of market segmentation. The company now can launch the marketing strategies which use the marketing segmentation for managing its growth for strategic outlook. This can be done by the deliberation of the revenue generation culture and maintaining the prudent risk or the market risk while investing further to the people. The company has focused on the customers’ needs as a main issue for their development and had been done by dividing the customers in their location and with respect to their culture. In this regard, the company had recognized that most of the customers want to have the long term relationship to the company, ambitious and confident, and has the high productivity and focused to the marketing. In the detailed telephone interview, the respondent noted that the market segmentation of the company for the products and services for the groups of different location worldwide are effective and most of the generated profits had been use in overseas subsidiaries. In this regard, the company can manage to capitalize the presence overseas as well as the local knowledge and the expertise so that they can bring the new customers for opening the new accounts as well as looking at the other services and products that offered by HSBC. The company also had been optimistic that most of the customers prefer HSBC for the long term experience and having the well trained staff added to the lower charges and to the broad range of the products. Lastly, this market segmentation is considered to be generic wherein it greatly depends on the region for the several subsidiaries of the location of HSBC and some of the strategies are put to good. In 2003, HSBC had invested huge amount for proprietary relationship to the customers and to their management system so that the customers are managed efficiently. Therefore, they handled greater customer care and process of financial requirements in order to generate the customers’ satisfaction. For example, In UK HSBC generated much customers contacts for more than one million and led to the expansion of the existing relationship while the internet goes to the heart of every customers and their convenience which is important channel to the customers. In this manner, the e banking of HSBC can be available for the 17 territories and countries worldwide. The commercial banking is one of the strengths of the company which includes the incorporated business as the partnership, sole traders, trading entities, and associations. In this area of business, the company main contacts to the customers are the network managers’ relationship which managed and established to the local branch level or the expansion of the commercial banking centres so that they can meet their future and existing customers into their international reach while the corporate and investment banking can prove that the company can give the competitive advantage which can provide services for 25,000 subsidiaries and 1,200 customers for more than 50 countries. Because product managers can understand customers needs, then the group is supporting the teams through investing into the increase automation for the software and to the risk management, to the intranet site, to the central support of relationship management and having the geographical knowledge. In line with the private banking, the relationship to the managers can operate on the cross border basis in order to serve requirements which specialize for the clients for the different sectors which are all in line to the differentiated approach of the group into the international private banking. Because of increasing the customer base for the company, it build services centre for every particular transactions. In order for the company to remain competitive, it had invested that it can introduce the company in the introduction of the supporting and functionality expansion. The company had compelled to the metric of high level which can provide the actionable data. In line with this, HSBC had surveyed 27,000 customers all over the 24 countries which consist of customers’ experience. The findings that presented by are higher cost-t-serve goes across the entire aspect of HSBC in the professional or personal experience. Upon the movement of the company in its segmentation to the other regions, its product and services had been aligned to the needs of the market segments as the needs to banking through information technology. Through this service, the design for the right distribution channel in reaching the every distinct group so that they can stay contact. This segmentation had been essential to every single business detail that runs the bank in recognizing its long term growth. Conclusion and Recommendation for improvements of HSBC: In conclusion we would like to state that HSBC Group is in constant search of further development and its key data of latest year’s financial performance proved that they are succeeding in their aims, as the company is showing increase in almost all aspects of its business. It has shown steady growth in total profits in all most important regions of operation. It has also achieved large earnings per share increase over the last five years. The company has recently made a successful growth in the Middle-East region and expects continuous growth in profits from that region. In Asia all business segments exceeded and also contributed to overall function of the HSBC Group. From our point of view, in a company that has reached such huge size and success, there is not much that can be improved, considering their financial performance. It is worth mentioning, that HSBC Group should give more attention to the rapidly developing internet banking system. The information presented in this report is enough to make the final decision and as far as we are concerned it is good and reliable company to invest in. It is a perfect long-term investment. HSBC Group has around 220. 000 shareholders in over 124 countries and this only adds to its reputation and proves its trustworthiness.